As part of our Social Studies unit, Inspiration People, students studied about the changes Martin Luther King Jr made to help create a more unified and equal world. As such, students have decided what they want other people to see about themselves, or their CHARACTER ... not about what the look like.... (Students drew themselves as characatures ... bigger head and smaller body)
"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character." ~ MLK Jr.
Dear Students, In order to find mighty verbs, strong feelings and interesting adjectives you can use a thesaurus! Many of you have a book copy of a thesaurus. If you don't you can use a thesaurus ONLINE. For tonight's homework (Wednesday, January 26th) you must choose most interesting words in the story I send home. The words I want you to find synonyms for are underlined in your worksheet!
NextTuesday, February 1st is the 100th day of SCHOOL!
In order to do some of the activities we have planned, I am asking for each student to bring in a collection of 100 things (you can bring this in any day prior to or on Tuesday Feb 1st)!! It could be something you collect at home (game cards), it could be as easy as pasta pieces, rubber bands, bandaids, paperclips, hair elastics, candy, food items. I would like to have a bit of celebration, so we will welcome food items that we can all share. We cannot accept anything that has gelatin in it or any meat products or nuts. If you have any questions about ingredients please email me directly (
Looking forward to seeing what kinds of collections students bring!
I am honoured to display these fine pieces of writing by grade 2 students. After prewriting, drafting and revising, here is their polished publications! They were asked to create a special 'town' within Korea! What a diverse Korea! Enjoy Reading! (You can make it bigger by pressing "Download"...
Dear Students: Here are the vocabulary words and definitions for this Science Unit. I know they are SMALL, but you can click on them with your mouse to make them bigger :)
I hope you all had a wonderful vacation! I sure did, and I'm ready to start a new year with lots of new ideas and enthusiasm!
Here is the new schedule for the rest of the year. Please note that it will not be a rotating schedule, but rather a Monday-Friday schedule. (i.e PE WEDNESDAY; LIBRARY MONDAYS) Thanks!